Using our brand
The Tapcart logo consists of two elements, the logomark (symbol) and the logotype using the company name with proprietary letterforms. The logomark can be used on its own, but the logotype is always paired with the mark.

Primary logo (light mode)
Use the black version of our logo as the first option, especially with light colored backgrounds.

Primary logo (dark mode)
Use the desert version of our logo as needed, especially with dark colored backgrounds.

Logo spacing
The recommended clearance space must never be reduced, but can be increased. It's equal to the width of the letter ‘c’ in Tapcart.
The main role of the logomark is to add mnemonic value to the logo and to operate as a branding element wherever the context doesn’t permit to use the full logo. Some situations where you can use the symbol alone are: App icons, favicons, and avatars on social media.

Primary logomark - light mode
Use the black version of our logomark with light colored backgrounds.

Primary logomark - dark mode
Use the desert version of our logomark with dark colored backgrounds.

The recommended clearance space must never be reduced, but can be increased. It's equal to the width of the negative space in the symbol.
The recommended clearance when displaying the Tapcart logo next to another logo is to double the height and double the width of the letter ‘c’ in the logo.
The x-heights for both logotypes should be equal.

Primary Colors
Black and Desert are our core colors and indicative of light and dark modes.This is our baseline.
Secondary Colors
Secondary colors are to be used sparingly and shouldn't be paired together. They serve as an accent to our core colors.
Lemon Soda
Color Usage

Use Black on Desert

Use Nimbus on Desert

Use Lemon Soda on Black

Use Desert on Black

Use Desert on Nimbus

Use Black on Lemon Soda

Don’t use Lemon Soda on Nimbus

Don’t use Nimbus on Lemon Soda
Best practices
Here are some best practices when using the
Tapcart name and logo.
Tapcart spelling

When written or typed, Tapcart is one word with the initial ‘T’ capitalized.

Initial ‘T’ should never be in lowercase.

Don’t capitalize the ‘c’.

Don’t break Tapcart into two words.
Logo dont's

Don’t stretch or squeeze it

Don’t use the wordmark alone

Don’t use gradients or shadows

Don’t repeat logo

Don’t change the proportion of logo

Don’t rotate it

Don’t outline the logo

Don’t change color or opacity

Don’t stack the logo

Don’t create your own version

Don’t use busy backgrounds

Don’t use against low-contrast