Why do beauty brands need a mobile app?
Because your mobile website doesn't convert like it should.
The solution? Repeat revenue through retention with an app.
Conversion Rate Increase
Push Notification Open Rate
“Push notifications are virtually a built-in cost that’s worth it because not only are you reaching people in their hands, but you're reaching the fans who are interested in the message. So you will get people to notice, increase their brand awareness, and stay top-of-mind.”
Jessica Hurwitz, Director of Digital Marketing at Dose of Colors

Give your conversion rates a new look.
Bold content, instant page loading, and one-click checkout translate to higher mobile app conversions when compared to mobile websites.
“The customers that use the app have a much higher AOV and LTV. [With Tapcart] we are upsizing the customers by giving them a better experience in the app. And in turn, it's giving us a higher ROI and LTV on a per-customer basis.”
Kevin Gould, Co-Founder at Glamnetic
Integrate without retooling your stack.
Bring along your favorite eComm tech tools—product recommendations, reviews, loyalty programs, you name it.